Today as the Design Director at Formative — The Instruction and Assessment Platform, I work with my teams to reach new customers, and help students and teachers grow along their educational journey.

Team Building and Mentorship

I recruit and mentor top talent and guide my designers to deliver their best work. My collaborative approach brings curious minds together as we discover, iterate and build multi platform design.

Design Process

Establishing company strategy, success metrics and OKRs helps teams stay focused and on track in delivering holistic products to meet customer and business needs. Squad ceremonies including planning, prioritization, estimation and regular stand-ups help create clarity and efficiency.

Customer and Market Insight

Critical in building user satisfaction, product evangelism, and growth trajectory. Market research, user testing and data insights help teams model UX frameworks. I help my teams navigate and incorporate these tools in developing roadmaps and product releases.

Innovation and Vision

I have an insatiable desire to think big and help companies elevate their products and seize new opportunities. Creative ideas can happen in a flash but bringing them to life often requires enormous effort. I direct my teams and collaborate with company leadership to build the foundations and roadmaps that bring our vision to life.

My Toolkit

I leverage analytics tools like Pendo, Google and Tableau, to get a foundational understanding of the customer. I work in FigJam and tools like OmniGraffle to build out high level interaction models. I design components and user flow prototypes in Figma and run user testing on platforms like or more organically in person or over zoom.